eTrails is AMR’s online bulletin for articles/news such as “In the Zone”, past event wrap-ups, member editorials (P-articles), charity information, etc. and is not a regular publication. Click on article title or image to see full article, if applicable. E-mail your submission (incl photos) or comments to Submissions for Panorama’s ‘FROM THE REGIONS’ is also accepted at this e-mail address. Submissions are published at the discretion of the Webmaster team. You can also download a printable pdf of the monthly eBlast version of eTrails at
January 2023
Happy New Year from your new AMR President
Hello and Happy New Year AMR!
I am honored to be your new AMR board President, and excited about the many events being offered in 2023.
In my role as President, I am here to support my fellow board members, our committee chairs, and the volunteers that deliver the outstanding social events, tours, HPDE and autocross we enjoy.
More importantly, I am here to serve you, the members, and the interests of AMR.
We will kick off the new year with our February 15 social at Old Spaghetti Factory (registration will go live this week). The social calendar delivers a varied slate of events with new venues and expanded attendance capacity.
Next up is DE101 at Porsche Colorado Springs on March 11, followed by 5 HPDE events at Pueblo, La Junta and PPIR.
Our first of many tours is the Spring Off Road Tour on April 22.
You can find all of our planned events on the AMR website (
We are in need of volunteers if you are looking for other ways to participate in the club.
Our Advertising/Sponsorship Chair and Equipment Chair positions are vacant. We are also seeking additional members of the HPDE Control team. Reach out if you would like to volunteer for any of these positions.
I look forward to seeing you all throughout the year. I wish you enjoyment driving the best vehicles made and the fellowship that AMR provides.
If I can be of any assistance with any club related matters, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Steve Smith
A BIG WELCOME to our new/transferred members
Mark Iuppenlatz, Ouray, 1982 911 SC Targa
Duane Michael, Colorado Springs, 2016 911 Carrera 4 GTS
Graham Robins, Suffolk, 2006 911 Carrera 4S
Daniel Sardi, Colorado Springs,2001 911 Turbo
Transfers in
Richard and Betsy Cox, Pueblo West, 2009 911 Carrera 4S, Transfer from Riverside
Tyler Hagler, Monument, 2010 Cayenne GTS, Transfer from Ocmulgee
Alan Kernes & Susan Smith-Kernes, Denver, 1960 356, Transfer from Diablo
We look forward to seeing you at our social, tour and/or track events. (updated 04 September)
P-ARTICLES: The “Junction” of Safe and Fast
By Robin Dillon
October 2021
It was a dark and stormy night….no, wait, sorry wrong story. The final HPDE of the 2021 season at La Junta Raceway actually began on Friday night. Participants gathered at the hottest spot in La Junta – The Hampton Inn – for beer, pizza, and early registration. After a slight SNAFU with the local Domino’s Pizza (who would have thought there were two very similar parties planned at the Hampton at the same time!), the pizzas arrived and were devoured. With about 60% of those registered checking in early, it made registration the next day a lot smoother.
Saturday dawned a bit overcast and cool with some rain that we’d gotten overnight, but the forecast predicted dry and warming temps and it did not disappoint. The drivers meeting got underway on time with Event Lead CDI (Chief Driving Instructor) Steve Carlson requesting the advanced group dry out the puddles on the track for everyone! Novice students paired up with their instructors, and the advanced drivers went out to dry the track. By noon, the temps were in the upper 70s, sunny Colorado-blue skies prevailed as a tarantula made its way safely across the paddock checking out the cars as he went under them! As the track heated up, so did the driving. A day of spirited fast and safe driving ensued for all. La Junta is the perfect track for all levels of driving. It looks very simple from the layout, but the more you drive La Junta the more you realize the level of finesse some of the corners require. It’s almost as if the more you challenge the course, the more it challenges you – the driver.
With the track cold for the day, Beer:30 commenced and with beverages in hand, CDI Jeremy Vreeman led willing participants on a track walk. A track walk is exactly that – a walk around the track with various stops along to way to discuss or even look at things you can’t see while driving 100 mph. Given the historical nature of La Junta Raceway, the participants learned a bit more about LJR than they probably anticipated. Meanwhile back at the classroom trailer we all eagerly awaited the banquet from Mexico City. Once dinner arrived, drivers and guests gathered outside on picnic tables as well as inside and enjoyed a long-time AMR favorite restaurant. Dinner entertainment was provided by the one and only, Allan Lasater on his electric guitar. Allan is not just a great driver, and the track manager in La Junta – he’s an amazing singer and guitar player! Taking requests, providing a “name that tune” segment, it was a hit with everyone present.
Sunday, while nice and cool in the morning, heated up and found all ditching sweatshirts for sunscreen. It was another beautiful day of driving. With slightly fewer people driving on Sunday, the day ran a bit shorter. After the final run group and the track was once again cold, the coveted John Deere Award was given out by Steve Carlson to Gary Muller from Durango, CO for his amazing spin out 300’ from the track entrance. While there were fewer people hanging around on Sunday afternoon, as many get on the road back home and back to reality, there was one thing that was certain: it was a great weekend and a good time was had by all!
Special thanks to sponsors that helped make this weekend so perfect: Big Mission Motorsports, Creative Consortium, State Farm Kelly Muse Agency, and 314 ½ LLC!
If this sounds like fun, you’re right it was! Never been to an HPDE? You should try it. Stay tuned for information about events during the “off season,” how to get involved if you DON’T want to drive (yes, we need volunteers), and HPDE-101, a non-driving event (Feb/March 2022) to kick off the track season. (posted 27 Oct)
Read Past Articles
Photos courtesy of Chris Lennon
Editors Note: Be on the lookout for the Gary Muller & Steve Carlson photo on a future issue of Panorama.
Need an AMR nametag?
If you would like an AMR name tag/badge, please click on the link by the membership chair on the website.
Navigate to the About AMR: Year AMR Board of Directors and Advisors: Advisor section: Membership Chair.
- Click on Membership chair wording.
- Complete form.
- To: Membership Chair.
- Subject: Name Tag.
- Comment or Message: Name (s) for the tags and mailing address to be mailed to once complete.
The Membership Chair will then email you with next steps such as where to mail the Check for $10 per tag/badge. Please make the check payable to AMR Porsche Club.
AMR currently need volunteers for the following positions:
– Advertising Chair
– Technical Chair
– Web Content Writer
– HPDE Starter
– HPDE Support
Please see the Volunteers webpage for more information. (updated 31 Jul)
October 2021 Board Minutes – The October Board of Directors meeting minutes have been posted. Read More
PCA 2021 Region Procedures Manual – is now available on the Documents and Forms webpage under the References tab.
P-cars and Pancakes breakfast is on hold until we can find a venue to fit everyone or when restriction eases. (updated 31 Aug).
AMR logo hats, lapel pins, stickers, patches and other locally procured items for sale. Please send your request to For AMR apparels go to the PCA Webstore.
AMR patches: $5.00
AMR stickers: $3.00 each (front or back adhesive)
AMR lapel pins: $5.00 AMR hats: $10.00
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