The special membership vote has approved the new AMR bylaws and they are now in effect starting September 04, 2019. All the votes received were to approve.
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PCA e-blast is AMR’s official notification method (along with USPS mail) and the quickest way for the AMR Board of Directors to reach out to all our members with notification and announcements. If you have opted out of receiving e-mails from PCA in the past or have not updated your e-mail address after a change, you are only getting a delayed notification by checking this website or by USPS mail. Do not rely on notifications just from social media, as we do not alway post there due to the official nature of the correspondence or protection of privacy. We will soon be voting on a new set of bylaws and the 2020 Board of Directors, please make sure your mailing and e-mail addresses are up-to-date. You can only make those updates thru the PCA website.