The Ring The Peak Tour kicked off the 2018 touring season with rain and snow on Friday and Saturday. Tour Chair Nate Adams had to postponed the event for one day to April 22nd but what a day it turned out to be. The sky cleared on Sunday and we had a beautiful sunny day on our entire route; Skyline Drive was spectacular. Sixteen cars started this trip from Bear Creek Terrace after the drivers meeting and we stopped in Canon City for lunch. We went down to twelve cars after lunch and we made our way back to Woodland Park, where the tour ended. Thanks to Nate and Lore Adams for providing the breakfast coffee and snacks; Karl Klepfer and Mike Moore for leading the the tour, Russ Van Skyk for mid-sweep, and Bob and Linda Foltz for sweeping. A special thanks to Jim Sorensen for providing a Gimmick Rally worksheet to make the drive more interesting. 2018 looks to be a great touring season for AMR.
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Photos courtesy of Alex Ching
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