AMR Tech Inspection Training
Saturday, February 20, 2017
10AM – 11AM
Do you plan on participating in AMR and RMR HPDE events in 2016?
Did you know that Tech Inspections may be completed by any professional repair shop, or any club member who has attended the AMR Tech Inspection Training Class?
Though our friends at Porsche of Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak Racing and European Performance Specialists perform free tech inspections at their facilities the week prior to a DE, that timing does not always fit into our busy work and life schedules. As a result, we usually have a large number of cars requiring tech inspection the morning of a DE.
Help your club and fellow members and get yourself qualified to perform Tech Inspections.
Pre-event tech inspections are performed prior to each event. During this inspection the car is put up on a lift or raised on a jacks and the inspector performing the work carefully goes over the car and fills out the Pre-Tech Inspection Form and signs the tech form which the car owner will turn-in at event registration. This safety inspection is to ensure that participating cars meet PCA guidelines for track-worthiness.
Tech Inspection is also performed at the track for those that could not have their car inspected prior to the event. With only a handful of Tech Inspectors, this can be time consuming.
By taking our class, you will be able to help out a fellow club member by inspecting their car pre-event (no – you cannot tech your own car), and help event chairs by assisting with tech inspections at the track.
The class will start promptly at 9a on Saturday March 21, and will conclude no later than 10:30a. Coffee, juice and light snacks will be provided.
I hope to see you there.
Steve Smith
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