High Performance Driver’s Education


What is High Performance Driver’s Education

High Performance Driver’s Education, HPDE or DE for short is a chance to learn through qualified instructors how to improve your driving abilities and learn and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety in a controlled learning environment. This is done in a closed-course racetrack but the skills you can develop will serve you well in all driving situations.

As sports can be, this aspect of motorsport can become addictive! Driving your car, on a track makes for great Monday morning “what did you do this weekend,” discussions. HPDE’s are NOT races: they are not timed, and there is no competition – except with you and your own driving abilities.


The season generally starts in April with events occurring through out the year, ending in October. Most if not all events will be first listed on the website and can be found on Motorsports Reg (MSR) www.motorsportsreg.com. Signing up is easy – just follow the prompts on the website and before you know it you’ll be attending your first (or 50th) HPDE. The cost of participation varies by event venue, but you can expect registration costs to be in the mid $300’s for a weekend of DE. The camaraderie and skills you learn are worth it!

Special Equipment

To participate in an HPDE, you must be 18 years of age, with a valid Driver’s license. Your car must pass a Tech Inspection where a qualified mechanic will inspect your car to ensure it is fit to be driven on the track (especially brakes, tires, and fluids such as brake fluid and oil). You will be required to wear long pants, short or long sleeve shirt and closed toe, flat soled shoes. A helmet with SNELL SA2015 or SA2020 or M2015 and M2020 is now required, and if you’re not sure you want to go out and buy one, the club does maintain some current loaner helmets for use at our HPDE events.

All makes and models of Porsche are welcome at an HPDE. We even allow non-Porsche’s (with the exception of SUVs – only Porsche SUVs are permitted.) Cabriolets without factory installed rollover protection are not allowed – Targas and 911 cabriolets are fine. All tops must be in the closed position on track.

What to Expect

Arrive at the track with a full tank of gas and plenty of time to get your gear sorted out. Everything that is not bolted down in your car must be removed. This includes floor mats, garage door openers, chapstick rolling around in the center console, stuff in the glove box – anything that is movable within the car. This is not just an exercise – it’s for your safety. No one wants to have a floor mat jam under a brake or gas pedal at an inconvenient time! Check in at registration and attend the MANDATORY DRIVERS MEETING for safety information and to meet an instructor if you have one. Novices or new drivers will attend ground school to learn about the track and safe driving and how to get your car around the track in the best manner possible. You’ll learn terms such as APEX, LINE and what it all means. Be prepared to learn a lot! Some may have had more driving experience than others, but as long as everyone has an open mind and a willingness to learn – we all benefit.

Drivers are placed in “run groups” according to experience and speed of cars. Run groups generally get about 20-25 minutes each time on track. Drivers in any run group may or may not have instructors in the right seat. The only permissible “passenger” is a PCA instructor. Each run group has 2 sessions before lunch and 2 sessions after lunch. The day concludes with a celebration of the day’s events at Beer 30 – where we share an adult beverage (or not) and tell little white lies about how fast we went!



AMR Tech Form

HPDE 101


HPDE Tracks

Pueblo Motorsports Park Pueblo, CO

La Junta Raceway La Junta, CO


HPDE Schedule


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